Monday, October 24, 2011

Issaquah Salmon Hatchery field trip

Field Trip
Ethan said, "On the field trip I learned that male salmon have a beak and sharp teeth. Female just have a mouth. When the salmon spawn, males attack other males while females are spawning."
David added. "I learned that jack salmon spawn too early, that;s why they die quickly."
Neeraj reported, "This week we learned about salmon and their life cycle."
Alimurtada added, "I learned on the ft that the biggest predator of the salmon is a human."

Julian said, "I learned on the field trip that a king salmon can weigh up to 150 pounds."
Callie added, "We went on a field trip to the salmon hatchery and I learned that pink salmon are called that because their inside is pink, not their outside."

Galilea reported, "We learned how to write summaries."
Lory added, "Today we learned five more idioms like: when life gives you lemons, sleep like a baby, spring chicken, and neck of the woods"
Jennifer R said, "This week I learned I learned five more idioms. One of them is spring chicken. That means young and active."

Ismahan reported. "On Friday we learned math facts and algebra with shapes."